<h1> anneleis monseré live   </h1>
  live in gent, may 19th 2010Winter 2013

tue jan 8th - morc hq, gent, be - with Eloïse Decazes & Eric Chenaux

Fall 2012

sat sept 15th - pauluskerk, tilburg, nl - incubate festival, with ao twinsistermoon, mogwai, yann tiersen, joe speedboat...

Fall 2011

sun oct 9th - Entrepot Fictief, Gent, be - with ao Esther Venrooy and Bart Maris

Summer 2011

sun aug 14th - huis gedruis, Gent, be - with ao Filip Gheysen, Kosmische keuterboeren, circle bros...

mon july 11 - De gulden ontsporing, brussels, be - with ao inner city, jean blaute, yuko, Lady Linn, Senne Guns...

Winter 2011

Fri january 21 - Patronaat, Haarlem, nl - with Sharron Kraus, Puddle Parade and Circle Bros

Fall 2010

fri october 29th - Le Cuberdon, Brussels, be - with Colline Hill and Julie Rens

sun sept 26th - Rachaels' cafe, Bloomington, IN, usa- Bluesanct fest with Drekka, Vollmar, Circle bros, Elephant Micah...

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